Look Mom! - A virtual plaque for doing an online conference on
structural equation modeling.
You can check out the conference at: http://ww2.cis.temple.edu/isworld/vmc/#workshop
Dr. Wynne W. Chin
Department of Decision and Information Sciences
Melcher Hall-280D
Wynne Chin joined the faculty at the University of Houston in the fall
of 1997. He received his doctorate from the University of Michigan in Computers
and Information Systems, M.S. in chemical engineering (biomedical option)
from Northwestern University, MBA from the University of Michigan, and
a bachelors in biophysics from U.C. Berkeley. He has published in journals
such as MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, and Decision Sciences.
Dr. Chin's substantive interests include modeling the individual IT adoption
process, end-user satisfaction, and developing group process measures such
as cohesion, satisfaction, and consensus to understand the impact of electronic
meeting systems. More recently, he has begun work on cross-cultural analysis.
His research is largely empirical and quantitative relying on lab and Monte
Carlo experiments as well as surveys. Methodologically Dr. Chin focuses
on construct development through the use of structural equation modeling
(both covariance-based and partial least squares) as well as developing
new causal modeling techniques for topics such as assessing interaction
email: wchin@uh.edu
phone: (713) 743-4728
fax: (713) 743-4940
For more info on
Dr. Wynne Chin.

hits since May 7, 1998.