Structural Equation Modeling in IS Research - Understanding the LISREL and PLS perspective

Wynne W. Chin

University of Houston


As in many other social science areas, the IS field has seen a substantial increase in the number of submissions and publications using structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques. This is likely due to the proliferation of software packages to perform covariance-based (e.g., LISREL, EQS, AMOS, SEPATH, RAMONA, MX, and CALIS) and component-based (e.g., PLS-PC, PLS-Graph) analysis. The SEM approach is integrative in the sense that it combines the perspective of two research traditions:

  1. an econometric perspective focusing on prediction and,
  2. a psychometric emphasis that models concepts as latent (unobserved) variables that are indirectly inferred from multiple observed measures (alternately termed as indicators or manifest variables).
This resulting combination allows researchers to perform path analytic modeling with latent variables (LVs). Specifically, SEM provides the researcher with the flexibility to: (a) model relationships among multiple predictor and criterion variables, (b) construct unobservable LVs, (c) model errors in measurements for observed variables, and (d) statistically test a priori substantive/theoretical and measurement assumptions against empirical data (i.e., confirmatory analysis).

SEM involves generalizations and extensions of earlier first-generation procedures. By applying certain constraints or assumptions on an SEM analysis, a researcher can end up performing the equivalent of techniques such as canonical correlation, multiple regression, multiple discriminant analysis, analysis of variance or covariance, or principle components analysis.

Naturally, along with the benefits comes the complexity. This virtual discussion will cover various issues that often appear among researchers. The primary focus will be on both the covariance based approach often equated generically as a LISREL analysis and the Partial Least Squares approach. Hopefully, we will not only cover matters generic to social scientists, but also specific to the IS field. To guide the questions, we might look at it from various frames.

One standard approach is to examine the stages in the traditional SEM lifecycle. They are:

Another approach is to examine common mistakes that are made. We can discuss such issues as:

Finally, we can approach it from an applied perspective. Example questions might include:

To start off, we might consider the following model (Figure 1) as a basis for discussion. The model is a simple two factor model where F1 is hypothesized to affect F2. The data in the form of a correlation matrix is provided in Table 1 for the four measures/indicators (x1,x2,y1,and y2) of their respective factors.


Figure 1. Two factor model with two indicator/measures for each factor.



Table 1. Sample Data Set (n=1000).


All correlations, given the sample size, are significant but quite low ranging from 0.087 to 0.272. If we use the theoretical model as depicted in Figure 1, what would be the path estimate p linking F1 and F2? The covariance based estimate using software such as LISREL would result in a standardized estimate of p at 0.83 whereas the PLS estimate was 0.22. The standardized loadings of a, b, c, d using the covariance procedure were 0.33, 0.26, 0.46, and 0.59. The PLS estimates resulted in loadings of 0.81, 0.66, 0.73, and 0.85 with corresponding weights of 0.75, 0.60, 0.54, and 0.71. In the case of the covariance estimates, the path estimate of 0.83 is much larger than the observed correlations between the x and y variables where the highest is 0.152. In the case of PLS, the estimate of 0.22 is much closer to the observed correlations. Which estimate should we place confidence in?